On 25/12/05 at 18:33 -0800, Michael Rubino wrote
I just got a wireless SB3 but after a day of fooling around I can't get
the device to find the SlimServer. I make it all the way through the
setup process but, in the end, the SB3 times out and goes dark after
failing to find the SlimServer. Either that or I get an error message
suggesting I try again.

I have tried a number of alternatives (changing the encription and so
on) but nothing has worked.

My setup is as follows: I have a Airport Extreme Base Station, a iBook
G4 (running Tiger 10.4.3) and a PowerMac G4 (also running 10.4.3). The
Airport is administered via the iBook which has an Airport card. The
PowerMac is connected via Ethernet. SlimServer is loaded on the
PowerMac. I also have a external hard drive connecte to the PowerMac
that holds about 100 G of music.

This setup should work, but there are always possible issues. If it gets all the way through the process before failing it shouldn't be an encryption issue, but it is still worth (if you haven't done so) trying to connect with all encryption and security off.

I take it that the iBook and PowerMac can connect to each other OK.
Daniel Cohen
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