
I cannot get much further with the experimentation myself as I have
been systematically renaming all special characters I come across. As a
result I have none left! 

Yes I am running itunes, which incidentally has no problem searching
for special characters providing you can remember which ones to put in
the search box. After renaming, I have to ask slimserver to re-scan.

You asked about my system:
Software. Slimserver 6.51b running for a couple of months (cannot give
sub-version until I return home). Ran at least 2 previous versions
which seemed to have the same issue. Itunes is v6.
WindowsXP Sp2 + updates
Files all in local drive c:\my music (typical itunes place)
Files. All Mp3s various bit rates from 128 to 320.


A quick experiement would be to load a couple of mp3s with different
types of special characters via itunes and see if slimserver has a
problem. Then do the same but allow slimserver to find the file
directly on the hard disk. Then do the same re-naming the file but
keeping the ID3 the same (itunes will not allow me to do this because I
allow it to keep control over re-naming).



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