OK; getting there. Forwarded ports 9000 and 9090, and now I have managed to 
connect to the home PC and open the Slimserver Web interface and use it 
But not yet able to get SoftSqueeze to see the home machine.
In Softsqueeze Preferences I am putting the same IP Address that works for 
Slimserver in the 'Slimserver Hostname' field; I have '9000' in Slimserver 
HTTP Port, and '3483' as Slimserver SlimProto Port.
Is this right? Should there be a 9090 in there somewhere?


"Geoff B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 1/3/06, Neil Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or which port to forward ...

Assuming you want to use SoftSqueeze from a remote location to play
music served up by your SlimServer at home:
Forward port 9000 to allow web access to the SlimServer
Forward port 9090 to allow SoftSqueeze access to the SlimServer
Port 3483 (mentioned in your original post) is actually used for
Terminal Services / remote desktop connection.  You probably shouldn't
forward it unless you use a secure tunnel (see below).

I don't use the same router/modem as you, so you're on your own with
finding the port fowarding setup; but it shouldn't be too complicated.
 You just need to forward those two ports from the outside world (WAN)
to your SlimServer PC.

This isn't particularly safe.  Ideally, you would use a secure tunnel
to make it all a lot more, well, secure.  To do this:

Install OpenSSH on your SlimServer PC:

Install a client such as Tunnelier on your remote PC:

Generate a keypair in OpenSSH.  I don't have the steps I used for
this, so you'll need to do some googling and reading, but it's not too

Remove the port forwarding you set up, and instead forward just port 22.

Then, in Tunnelier, set up C2S forwarding:
Listen interface:
Listen port: 9000
Dest Host: localhost
Dest Port: 9000

Listen interface:
Listen port: 9090
Dest Host: localhost
Dest Port: 9090

If you also want remote desktop access:
Listen interface:
Listen port: 3483
Dest Host: localhost
Dest Port: 3483

You can also have it execute SoftSqueeze automatically if you fill in
the 'Execute' field with the java run-time engine and SoftSqueeze jar
file name.  Mine says:
"C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_07\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "C:\Program

Hope that helps
Geoff B 

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