This is more of a computer question, but:

- go to Start - Settings - Control Panel - Network 

- click on either your "Local Area Connection" 
(for a wired NIC) or your "Wireless Network 
Connection" (for a wireless NIC - the name may be 
different as I'm not on a wireless PC right now)

- click on Properties

- in the "This client uses the following items:" 
list, locate "File and Printer Sharing for 
Microsoft Networks"

- if it's not there, add it by pressing "Install" 
- "Service".  You may need your Windows XP CD to 
install it.

- once you have it in the list, click the check 
box and press "OK" at the bottom

Now you should see all your file sharing options.

ntom wrote:
> Finally up & running with SB3 + Belkin wifi
router....sound great.
> Few teething probs though...
> File sharing:  have old recently upgraded PIII in
attic with XP &
> cannot find the 'use simple file sraing option'  -it
is not in the
> folder options view menu?  Why would thid be the
> On my main m/c also XP, where I have music files in
My Music there is
> no sharing tab when I look at the folder properties
despite simple file
> sharing being enabled.  I can however turn sharing
on if I navigate to
> the same folder via the root drive letter...!  Why?
> Any help appreciated!
> Thx, Neale


  Mark Lanctot, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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