
>> PS: What about a slim video player?
for me the next big thing is a Slim like video player
Unfort. I can't see Slim doing it.  There are already a few players in the 
market (Hauppauge, Pinnacle and now XBOX 360) and there are so many formats.

It's a shame because I love the Slim products and do not want to buy a video 
like device from anyone else, but having waited 2 years I have given up and 
investigating other solutions.

Ofcourse a video version would also solve the remote issues as you could have a 
screen based selection - this would be cheaper than shipping a Nokia like 
remote with the product.  Price is v. important.

As all of the s/w is open source the only solution is for someone to write an 
"after market" program for Nokia etc.

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