Thought I'd post a quick update...

I'm happy to report I've resolved my network problem.  Unfortuantly I'm
not exactly sure what did the trick.  I was trying countless
configurations.  I had nearly given up when I noticed one of my squeeze
boxes was no longer acting weird.  I decided to try swapping ports (a
working with a nonworking SB) and after a router powercycle everything
was working.

Odd, yes.  But I'm not going to complain or tinker any more.  I'm not
sure if it mattered or not, but I also tried another nonLinksys
firmware.  For those of you with Linksys WRT54G series routers you
should check out some of the other firmwares out there.  They add quite
a few new features that are typically only found on much more expensive
routers.  It also allows you to telnet into the router (it's actually
running Linux!).


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