Version 29 of the firmware is even worse.  The players are both now
requesting DHCP addresses with the MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:10.  So
they both get handed the same IP address by the server (I'm not sure
why this didn't happen before; perhaps they were slightly different and
I just didn't see it.)   This renders the second Squeezebox

I see the bug is tagged for fixing in the 6.5 release... if 6.5 doesn't
release soon, I think the fix should be backported.  This is the kind of
problem that would make users' heads spin.   Multiple Squeezeboxes in
bridge mode in a DHCP network can't be _that_ unusual, and the MAC
address conflicts, when they happen, are going to cause much pain.  

Having the WRONG MAC address, as long as it's unique, even if it
changes, isn't that serious.  Having multiple Squeezeboxen with the
SAME MAC address, on the other hand, would appear to be a
critical-severity bug.

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