> I just noticed slim.exe running in the background, with no 
> tray icon. Should I be avoiding slimtray.exe?

No, but slimtray.exe really doesn't do much, so it's not essential. 
>From SlimTray you can: 1) start the SlimServer service, 2) stop the
SlimServer service, and 3) launch a browser, connected the SlimServer
web interface

#3 you can do just as easily (or easier) with a browser
favorite/bookmark.  #1 and #2 are useful if you don't always run the
service and want to have a handy way of manually starting and stopping

> Should the service be "Manual" or "Automatic" ?

These are the startup settings.  When set to Automatic, the service
will be started whenever Windows starts (like many other Windows
services).  If you want to run SlimServer 24x7 use Automatic, then you
won't have to manually start it.  If you want to control when
SlimServer runs, perhaps to save the memory that it uses, then set it
to manual.

> How does the service interact with slimtray.exe and slim.exe?

slim.exe is SlimServer, the program that runs as the service.  Apart
from the stop/start actions mentioned above, the only interaction
between the SlimTray and SlimServer are the little lights shown in the
tray icon when SlimServer is running.


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