Jon wrote:
When you say "avoid wireless", are you referring specifically to the
end-to-end connection between the server and the Squeezebox (via a
wireless router), or just to the portion of the connection between the
server and the router?

I have two Squeezeboxes arriving next week, I was planning on going
hardwired between my server and my router, then wireless from the
router to the squeezeboxes - is this a situation to be avoided (and


wireless in general is immature and unreliable technology. Some people get lucky or are well-educated enough to work around the rough spots and will argue with that statement until they're blue in the face. But if you're a plug-it-in-and-go sort, and troubleshooting a problem does not sound like a fun way to spend the evening, you're going to be happier with wire. If your situation does not allow for a wire, then go wireless and see if you're lucky.

If you're not, start by changing the channel on your router, then replace your cordless phone and microwave, then ask your neighbors to do the same.

Jack at Monkeynoodle dot Org: It's a Scientific Venture...
Riding the Emergency Third Rail Power Trip Since 1996

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