Cool but when I wake up in the middle of the night 
I'm often curious what the time is.

Also I'm running this off SqueezeNetwork.

Great plugin though, thanks kdf.

kdf wrote:
> Quoting Mark Lanctot
>> Yes but it's so bright you can almost see it
through your closed
>> eyelids!  Also I have a hard time falling asleep if
it's not totally
>> dark.
>> I have it literally at the edge of the nightstand,
it's about 18" away
>> from my face.
>> Anyway I've been informed that this is the minimum
brightness the
>> display hardware will allow, so I should choose a
smaller font, use a
>> coloured filter or move it further away.
> If you would prefer it totally dark, there is an
AutoDisplay plugin that 
> allows you to set a time for dark and a time for
lighting up again.  It 
> is a pinpoint event, so it does tend to not work if
you stop and start 
> the server a lot and the event passes.  I had meant
to modify my local 
> copy and post a patch, but my wife ended up
preferring it displaying the 
> time on dim.
> -k
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