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Question: Who wants a Squeezebox Boombox?
- I'm interested.
- No, thanks.

EnochLight Wrote: 
> Yeah I'm not interested in a video solution from Slim just yet; I like
> the fact that their speciality is an audio device.  
> That said, if they ever do get around to getting into that market I'm
> sure their solution would be the best.  That said...I'm just weary of
> it all - I've had a Hauppauge Media MVP for just that since its release
> (I use it with Beyond TV) and while it's open source and *SUPER
> AFFORDABLE* (less than $100 USD) support for it has been slow going and
> sloppy as hell.  I don't see something from Slim being much more
> successful in that relation.  
> Only time will tell...

In general it has seemed to me that most MMPC solutions in general are
rather half baked at this time.

Certainly if you've got thousands to throw at building a state of the
art multimedia PC solution complete with multiple HD tuners, etc, etc,
then you can get something that is pretty decent.

And in reality it won't be a whole lot better than what something like
the HD-1000 does out of the box.

I would think that Slim could release something pretty impressive in
the $500 range that would blow the community away, but they might have
to move away from Perl to do it, and right now the market might not
support it.

jmpage2's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41
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