On 2/7/06, JJZolx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sometimes I wonder if the bugzilla database has outgrown its usefulness
- at least for end users.  Old bugs and feature requests may as well not
exist now that there are over 700 open entries in the db.  Most
everything just gets marked 'Future'.  What are the actual chances that
a feature request nearly two years old will ever be implemented?

Legitimate, show-stopper bug reports certainly do not just get marked future and I suspect you well know that.

Feature requests are exactly what it says -- REQUESTS -- and in my opinion, every one of them should be marked future by default!  I think the mistake, if any, that SlimDevices makes is that they assign a target fixed version too optimisticly and end up slipping it to future releases.  There is no implied guarantee that just because a feature request has been filed that it will ever be added.  However, it does improve a bug's chances if it has a rallying point -- a place where a feature can be discussed while preserving the discussion for the next time someone brings it up or becomes interested. 

Also, the number of open bugs/features really has no bearing on the usefulness of the database.  By that argument the internet would long since have been made useless for end users, because there is so much content out there.


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