>What on Earth is the Zapped Songs Playlist?  What does it do?  Are the
>bits exterminated in an unusually cruel manner?
The song that you "zap" is appended to a playlist called "zapped" (it is 
automatically created if it doesn't already exist).  If you "Browse Playlists", 
you should be able to see the playlist.

The song is also removed from the current playlist.

I believe that if you are playing a playlist that had previously been saved, 
the song is also permanently removed from that playlist.  I've never used it in 
this way, so I am not entirely sure.

BTW, I am writing a plugin that kind of replaces/enhances this feature.  It's 
early days; suggestions welcome.

Go to http://www.hergest.demon.co.uk/Music/music.html and follow the link to 
the PlaylistMan plugin.

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