Kurt Wrote: 
> Is there any software or skin that can put the Slim into a true Jukebox
> mode?  For instance, just display albums with track names, and play
> whatever ever track you choose, and force the following choices to go
> to the end of the list, and lock out everything else?
> This would be great for a party where guests can choose the music.   
> The trouble now is that someone will come along and put a bunch of
> music in the queue, and the next person picks a song and presses play
> or next instead of "add to playlist" and the existing lineup is
> trashed.
To really make it usable in such a scenario, you'd need a few more
constraints.  Keep in mind that a commercial jukebox has a critical
limiting factor - $money.  You generally don't get a single person
stacking the jukebox for the whole night, just because it usually costs
too much.

You'd want (configurable) controls such as:

- Only tracks, not albums could be queued.  Otherwise it's too easy for
someone to load up an hour or two of music in a shot.

- You'd want to limit the number of tracks that could be added to N per
M minutes.  This would effectively limit how many tracks someone can add
at one time.

A good way to do this would be to add credits every N minutes, or else
when there's less than some number of songs remaining in the queue.

- Optionally, limit the length of a tune that can be played to under N
seconds.  Keeps people from playing stuff like the 33 minute Allman
Brothers' "Mountain Jam" (that was in a CD jukebox in a bar I used to
go to - it was killed by the bartender within 10 seconds of starting
any time someone played it).

- Also optionally, no STOP or POWER OFF, no FFW, no RWD, no skipping
tracks without some kind of authorization code.

Cool idea, but I'm guessing a lot of work to implement.


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