Fred wrote:
> Technically of course you are right, it could be  done.

The licensing can clearly be done, But I'm not sure
that the needs can be met.

> But DRM is different in that it needs to grant access in what is
> essentially a hostile environment (the user's home). In PGP or even
> banking applications, you are unlikely to want third parties to access
> the secret, 

In all modern cryptography, the fundamental concern starts with
the assumption that the parties want to transfer data securely.
The code to do this is published and well known, the security
relies upon the secret (usually called a key). Anything else
is called SBO, Security By Obscurity, and is considered trivial
to break.

The infamous deCSS DVD hack relied upon bad practices for the
key management used to decrypt the DVD.

Proper key management is hard.

> You don't care if someone "steals" digital music you bought since you
> still have it after the "theft". 

This is usually called the "Playboy in the frat house" model.
The publisher usually wants only one 'house' to read the magazine,
but clearly in a frat house, the copy of Playboy can get passed
around, depriving the publisher of income. But it is not
a major problem, as the subscription fee is only part of the
business model, the advertisers pay the rest and usually the
majority. So all the frat brothers see the ads, and everyone
is happy.

It is harder for digital goods. Copy protection is hopeless.
See Superdistribution. Objects as Property on the Electronic Frontier.
by Brad Cox. Addison Wesley Publishing Company ISBN: 0-201-50208-9
for a more rational approach.

If there is no advertising revenue stream to back up the subscription,
it is very hard to make it all work.

> I don't see how an open source
> solution could provide the least bit of assurance it can protect a key
> it has to know to do its job...

Another rule of serious security is that if the bad guy
has access to the physical device, it is next to impossible
to provide security. If the 'key' is kept on a computer hard drive/disk
then once you pull the drive out of the box, you can apply exhaustive
search techniques. These are trivial unless:
1) the key is strongly encrypted using some other key
2) the key is kept in hardware that is resistant to
replay attacks.

Clearly approach #1 just replaces the music playing key problem with
another key finding problem. No real change. Most users
use really wimpy passwords. See

And while approach #2 seems ideal, the DVD player manufacturers
did it badly, leading to the deCSS crack. Doing it
properly is hard. The Intel P3 had a hardware processor ID,
which would have helped, but that feature caused an uproar
and was dropped.

So if you have a security system, where only one of the parties
wants to transfer data securely, and the other wants to cheat,
it is a really hard problem. Open source and licensing issues
are really not the hard part. Its the lust in your heart.


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