
Sounds like some good detective work.  Would you mind
updating the wiki to reflect this?  Just so that
others don't get confused.


--- nico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Cool. I did try the 8 megabit == 1 megabyte calc
> before and also got the
> 6-8 seconds theoretical value you quoted. But
> *empirically*, the results
> seems to show that < 2s is buffered, which agrees
> more with the
> implication that only about 256 Kbytes are being
> buffered.
> On my platform (UNIX) I can suspend and resume the
> process at will to conduct tests. If playback is
> proceding normally,
> watching the buffer fullness display on the SB1 &
> the output from
> d_slimproto, I see the buffer is 99-100% ("228868" -
> whatever units of
> measure that is in). Then I suspend the slimserver
> process. In <2s the
> fullness display drops to 0% and the audio stops.
> This isn't close to
> the 6-8 seconds you'd expect. 2s @ 150Kbytes/sec ==
> approx 300Kbytes,
> which is close to the number displayed (228868).
> Digging around a bit further I found this:
> This account of the SB1 hardware claims a "2Mb
> high-speed buffer". This
> may be more like the truth. 2Mb = 256Kb (262,144
> bytes exactly) which
> corresponds to exactly 1.49s of 44.1KHz/16-bit
> stereo PCM audio.
> Thus the mystery is finally solved. The number
> displayed in d_proto's
> fullness output does appear to be bytes. Working
> backwards from
> "228,868 == 98%", the implied buffer size is around
> 233,539 bytes. This
> is in line with the 2Mb buffer spec. It would appear
> that approx 28Kb of
> buffer memory is used for other things.
> Thanks to all who contributed to this thread.
> -- 
> nico
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