>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/12/06 3:56 PM >>>
> Howdy folks - I am an Apple fan, running my wifi network with 
> apple computers, owning an airport express and an IPod and 
> an SB3. Why did I buy the SB3 - easy call, because of the big 
> display, the nice remote and the possibility to connect to the 
> Internet without the need to have a computer running.
> - My IMacs stream Internet music superior then SB3 (under 
> my DSL network conditions)

Huh?  The SB3 doesn't stream the music.  This isn't even 
a remotely valid comparison...

> - I do not do FLAC as I am using ITunes to stream music via 
> airtunes to all the other rooms except the SB3 bedroom.

Shame.  FLAC kicks butt...

> As an Apple fan, flac is not doing anything for you. So 
> what does it need to get rid of my SB3.

Huh?  Now I'm really confused.  

> A Airport express device that has a display and can 
> connect to the internet without a computer's help.. 
> then.. but only then you can have my SB3.. An WiFi 
> Ipod is not doing much for me as long as it does not
> connect to the internet...

Can I get first dibs on your SB3?  Because I'm betting that 
either an Airport-like device will have a display or an ipod 
will be internet capable within a year.  

What would be useful is if the ipod could be used as a 
remote for slimserver.

Because I don't want any company telling me what I can 
do with the music I've purchased.  It's bad enough that 
I can't listen to music I purchased with iTunes before 
I knew what I was doing can't be played in my car 
(unless I do the burn/rip dance), but I'll be damned 
if I'll let Apple (or slim, or any one company) tell me 
what format I can or can't have my music stored in.

I like Macs and Apple in general.  I still have a Mac Plus 
from my college days (that actually runs).  I just 
hate what they've done to exploit the lemmings 
otherwise known as consumers.


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