Mockbeggar Wrote: 
> I'm getting the same choppy play on my Sq3.  Lot's of bandwidth.  Lots
> of computer power.  A bit distressing.
I am not trying to be flip, but unless your slimserver machine itself
is unable to keep up, the choppy play is almost certainly caused by
insufficient network bandwidth. Keep in mind that wireless signal
strength will not reveal interference, other devices consuming
bandwidth, or other issues preventing successful data transfer.

Post some details of your setup (is it wireless?) in a new thread and
you are likely to get good help. You can always contact Slim support,
if need be-- they are wonderful. If your setup is in fact wireless, you
might start by disabling any turbo mode on your access point and
experimenting with several different channels to see if the problem is
caused by interference that can be dodged. You can also take look at
this page:

Oh, the NetTest plugin may help diagnose the situation.

Best of luck!

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