I have been testing various ways of getting my OLD laptop (166Mhz 80Mb
RAM Toshiba 305CDS) to run as a music player from a remote slimserver.

This is where I am at: I have an XP machine running Slimserver - no
probs. I have a DSL Linux running on the laptop. I can play stuff well
using XMMS and a browser - the only exception being the BBC streams
from AlienBBC (incidentally I still dont really understand why these
wont play if they are being encoded to MP3 at the server end?). I
cannot use Softsqueeze with either the GUI or Headless as the machine
grinds to a slow but sure halt - CPU 100% (have tried various
combinations of jLayer, MP3 Plugin and buffer sizes). Frustratingly I
can get snippets of BBC Radio using this method which tells me that Im
close...I have pretty much given up here though as I think the machine
just doesnt have the guts to run Java. 

Now along comes SqueezeSlave which I have been testing over the last
few days - playing MP3's from my collection is VERY responsive compared
to any other method (CPU - 30%) so far although occasionally I do seem
to loose the connection or Squeezeslave stops running. Encouragingly I
have also  played some non-BBC stations from AlienBBC although I do get
encode errors showing in the terminal. Suppose I just wanted to
encourage the development of this great app and let you know that for
some of us it may be our only hope! :~) If there is any constructive
feedback I can supply please let me know, bearing in mind that I am
pretty new to Linux and the SS world


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