
I'm running slimserver 6.2.1 on a FreeBSD box on my home LAN. The
FreeBSD box is acting as NAT-router, and the private net is connected
through Linksys switches.

I've got a squeezebox 2 running firmware 28, and everything works
rather perfectly until I connect a windows machine to the network. Then
the squeezebox starts to act exactly as though the keys on the remote
are stuck, which they are clearly not. The remote works perfectly when
there is no active windows machines on the LAN. -And I have tried
hiding the IR lamp in my hand just to be 100% certain!

I've used tcpdump to dump the network traffic on the LAN interface of
the server, and it does indeed look as though (at least to my eyes)
that the squeezebox is sending a packet to the server containing an IR
command roughly 100 times a second!

Now I must admit I havn't started debugging the Perl server process nor
read the specs on the slimprotocol, so I'm extrapolating here, but I
guess that the server never sends an ackowledgement back to the

This in turn might be caused (further speculations on my part) by a
timing issue on the server or something. It is noteable that there is
no problems when I attach my work laptop to the LAN, which only uses
the server as gateway, whereas the problem repeatedly occurs whenever I
turn on one of my home PC's that connects to the FreeBSD box through

The server itself is a 1GHz P3 with 512MB of RAM and a SCSI disk. 

The slimserver software was installed via the FreeBSD ports system, and
it is running on Perl version 5.8.7 (Also installed via Ports).

The system does not to my knowledge display any other erratic

Here's an excert from the slimserver log with option "slimproto_d" on:
2006-02-15 22:30:54.9065 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,
2006-02-15 22:30:54.9426 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,
2006-02-15 22:30:54.9855 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,
2006-02-15 22:30:55.0255 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,
2006-02-15 22:30:55.0525 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,
2006-02-15 22:30:55.0765 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,
2006-02-15 22:30:55.0865 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,
2006-02-15 22:30:55.1065 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,
2006-02-15 22:30:55.1465 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,
2006-02-15 22:30:55.1965 Got Slimproto frame, op IR  , length 10,

Attached are a Zip file containing a dump of the network traffic on the
internal interface, whilst experiencing the problem. It has been
captured with this command line:
tcpdump -i fxp0 -w dump2.dmp -s 0

I'd really really appreciate any sort of suggestion as to how to
advance from here.

Thanks in advance,

|Filename: dump2.zip                                                |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=898|

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