Dave Horoschak Wrote: 
> Before I start the process of using multiple genre tags - how are these
> handled in the iPod?  Does it recognize multiple genres, just take the
> first one, or does is see the whole string as a genre?
> I want to make sure I don't screw up my library for portable listening.
A very wise precaution.

The standard (such as it is) defines a way of listing multiple genres
in one tag. 

http://www.id3.org/id3v2.3.0.txt (search for TCON).

Slim didn't follow this "standard", which is, in fact, rather
inflexible and only applies to genres. Slim used a ";" separator and
allows this extension in other places too (e.g. artist).

Whether iTunes used the original standard (possible, but not
Apple-like), Slims (very unlikely), or their own (most likely) needs to
be researched. I don't know. I don't use iTunes. But in my estimation,
you can't rely on the standards for this one. It needs actual
experience from someone who'se been there.

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