* street_samurai shaped the electrons to say...

I had too much time on my hands the other night and decided I'd create
a step-by-step guide to settings up and running EAC with FLAC for Slim
users specifically. It also includes a guide on ReplayGaining tracks.
My initial plan was to post it the Wiki... unfortunately (but in my
opinion much better for the usability of the guide) the guide relies on
around 14 screen shots. I've created web sized gifs for these but
noticed that there is no way to upload them to the Wiki. I'd really
prefer not to host these on my own webserver.
Is there some way for me to post my guide? I like the Wiki idea because
it allows others to update it as new information becomes availalble.

You should be able to add attachments to the page, and then refer to them.

<ZangTT> berkeley db - it's mostly about the hash()
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