
I have exactly the same behaviour since I upgraded my iMac to an Intel and using 6.5.b1 ; the playlists are shown but nothing is inside (songs or artists or genre are OK) - my music is on the same Mac but in the Users/Shared folder as I did before with my iMac G4.

Anything to check in the debugging to understand what happens ?

Le 19 févr. 06 à 23:54, JordanLevine a écrit :


I have the newest Squeezebox and SlimServer. The SlimServer is running on a computer separate from the music files. The music files are on the
same computer as iTunes.  The reason for this is the computer with
iTunes can't run SlimServer; there is some complicated technical issue
that is way beyond my knowledge.

Here is my question: I have linked the iTunes Music Library.xml file
and the iTunes Music Folder in SlimServer.  All of the songs were
imported.  The problem is, none of the songs were added to playlists.
The playlist TITLES show up under the "Browse Playlists" page of the
SlimServer console, but when I click on a playlist or access a playlist
on the Squeezebox, no songs appear.

Any ideas?



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