> one more question:  does slimserver do more than simply look at
> file suffix to determin file type when scanning?  if i rename the
> tracks in question to "<trackname>.mp3.skip", will they be
> ignored?  i realize that this will probably prevent their being
> played at all, but currently, that would be the better
> alternative (for me)...

That would be an interesting experiment, and easy to try out.  Keep in
mind it may not work with the rescan option "Look for new and changed
music", you may have to "Clear library and rescan everything".

Here's what I do for songs that I don't want in SlimServer permanently
- for example, Christmas songs.  I put them in their own folder.  If
they're sitting in SlimServer's music folder, they get included in
rescans.  When I want to remove them, I just move the folder somewhere
else.  On the next rescan, they are all gone.  I find it pretty easy,
and it's easier than renaming every extension.

Mark Lanctot
Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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