Actually, the track stat plugin stores the last played time for each track.  It 
should be possible to create a SQL playlist to play the last n tracks played 
(via the SQL Playlist plugin).

The only problem is it isn't a complete history, as it only records the last 
played time of each track.

Also, it will by default queue up n tracks, after which it would repeat those 

-----Original Message-----
    From: "Jack Coates"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Sent: 25/02/06 05:28:47
    To: "Slim Devices Discussion"<>
    Subject: Re: [slim] Re: Is there a play history feature?
    > I too think that a history log for songs played from your music library
    > would be useful (particularly for those with large collections) .... it
    > could be set up as a recently played list and from the webinterface you
    > could define how many tracks are to be kept in the list - say the last
    > 100 tracks...
    > I dont know any kind of programming that would enable me to develope
    > such a plugin - although I would be interested in learning.. however
    > where does a newbi like myself start?
    Simply extend the database schema by one column, record the time played in
    there, and then copy the new music feature :) Oh wait, that's not very
    simple... maybe I'll just finish cleaning out the inbox and go to bed. in
    the meantime, use slimscrobbler and to get what you want.
    Jack Coates At Monkeynoodle Dot Org: It's A Scientific Venture!
    "I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin, so across the Western
    ocean I must wander" - traditional

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