ModelCitizen wrote:

Read this thread and it's simple to understand why SlimDevices will
never produce a boombox.

Well, to counter that, I suggest you read this thread:

which goes all the way back to June of 2001 (scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page). I believe those early entries are Sean's blog, more or less. It's the portrait of someone doing something because it's cool, because he wants to, and because no one else is doing it right (if anyone else is doing it at all).

Included is this quote, from some early, favorable press:

  It's nice to know that in this age of multinational conglomerates
  there are still a few people working hard in their garages looking to
  innovate. I came across the SLIMP3 recently, which is an example of
  such entrepreneurship.

Nearly 5 years later (5 years!) and most other companies -- including big, bad Apple -- are still noodling around at the edges of this still nascent market.

My gut feeling is that a boombox format is cool, doable, and would be like nothing anyone else has come up with yet. That defines the SB3. Right now I'm ready for my next Slimdevices purchase, and I'm hoping something equally interesting comes out of their "garage" and not just an endless stream of cautious, incremental upgrades.


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