Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> I have also heard of people using 'Proxomitron'
> ( for this, but the program seems to be a
> "web-filtering proxy", whatever that is.  :-)

That was me.  

For those interested, a proxy is a service that makes requests on
behalf of a program (network client).  For example, rather than having
your browser make direct connections to websites, it instead makes
requests to the proxy service, which itself then makes the requests on
behalf of the client.  This is useful in a variety of situations,
ranging from security, access control, and caching commonly accessed
content to reduce download traffic.

Once your network client (eg. your web browser) is configured to
connect to the Proxomitron proxy instead of via direct connection,
Proxomitron acts as a middleman, and makes the web requests and passes
the results to the client.

The web-filtering capabilities in Proxomitron allow real-time injection
/ deletion of content.  This allows users to customize what is
ultimately presented to their browsers or passed to web servers.  A
common example is the removal of banner ads, blocking ad sites, or
modifying styles sheets, all based on user-defined custom rules.

The key aspect of Proxomitron that I indicated was its log capability. 
You can capture and see all the requests your browser makes to a web
server, and all the replies sent back to the browser.  This gives you a
quick ability to view the ULRs oft-hidden within javascript,
service-side cgi's, etc.  You open the log just before connecting to
the station, make the connection, and then just search the log for the
streaming URLs.

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