Sam Lowry Wrote: 
> After learning about reading RSS feeds on my SB3, I started to wonder if
> there was a way to make books (from sites like
> readable with a Sqeezebox. They have
> .txt file versions, so the question is, how to get those files into a
> form readable by the SB. Anybody have an idea?
> BTW. I'm not sure I want to read long books in such a way. But it does
> seem like it would benefit certain disabled people, or could provide
> something for people to do while waiting in lines, or something. I
> could read books with the lights off!
Waiting in lines with a Squeezebox?  I don't get it.

I'm not sure it's even been established that there's much of a demand
from people to read books on computers, yet alone a two or three line
device that can display maybe 100 characters at a time.


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