jcyr wrote:
> I first reported this problem in october 2005. Here we are in March 2006
> and it's still not fixed. What does that tell you about Slim's technical
> competence?

It's probably just rather low on their priority queue.  I'd imagine they
aim to fix the problems without reasonable workarounds first.

WPA/TKIP is a reasonably secure and practical option for the VAST
majority of their customers.  While it's true that WPA may have been a
design compromise, it's a rather good one.  And if tools do emerge that
enable Joe Sixpack to hack WPA, you can bet Slim will place more
emphasis on a timely fix.

I'm genuinely curious, why are you chomping so hard for AES?  Is your
Squeezebox on a business essential network?  If so, it might be a good
idea to move it to a dedicated wireless segment.

For what it's worth, Slim is not notably behind the curve with 802.11i.
 The vast majority of SOHO WLANs are still using WEP.  In due time, I'm
sure they will have it working.

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