It's all to do with expectation. I bought (ordered) this product in
November since when there's been the countless missed delivery dates,
the bull about the Chinese New Year and the rest. Even if there were
problems in getting the hardware shipped, presumably Progressive could
have been working in parallel to get SlimServer working in all its
guises. As it is, we have a product which shipped 3 months late and
doesn't currently do what it is supposed to.

Yes I use Apple Lossless; disk space is cheap and it's pointless
ripping CDs to a lossy format because if you have a half-decent sound
system, the difference is night and day, far more than any messing with
the power supply will reveal.

I also wonder about the long term viability of the solution. There no
charge for the integration work of Slim Server into the TS-101 and
apart from making a turn on the hardware, where's the incentive to keep
it up to date? I'm resigned to the fact that while a PC hosted SB3 is
likely to evolve for the better over time, a TS-101 hosted SB3 is
likely to be frozen in time - bugs, warts and all - once Progressive
lose interest and move on to some other flavour of the month.

The TS-101 is a closed system and while it will always be useful as
NAS, the USP of it hosting SlimServer may or may not be long term.

Mark Norton
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