On 2-Apr-06, at 3:54 PM, evanhood wrote:

KDF, thanks for the code changes.  For going to the current song, that
worked like a champ (even though the existing code seems to have
changed, using the latest nightly 6.5 build)

yes, many changes in 6.5. Probably more to come, and I'll certainly start taking a look at other skins to merge in any redundant blocks.

Does the fishbone
skin refer to html files in other folders as well?

for much of the recent changes, you want to look in EN, and not just Fishbone directory. Thanks to the Template Toolkit and CSS changes, much of the EN, Default and Fishbone skins have been blended into common templates in the EN directory. Every template falls back to EN if not found in the skin dir. cmdwrappers handle wrapping common urls with skin-ed layout framework.

Can I either remove the play button entirely or change it so that it
adds files to the end of the playlist without clearing everything?

should be a matter of removing the PROCESS cmdlink section from the playlink BLOCK in EN/cmdwrappers

or, in Fishbone/cmdwrappers_fishbone, add [% BLOCK playlink %][% END %]

to change it, just copy the addlink block from EN and put it in the cmdwrappers_fishbone as playlink.

that should make it disappear, though you will want to make sure you have cleared any caches if it doesn't disappear immediately.


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