I'll agree with you that the slimserver software isn't an out of the box
solution - bear in mind that it isn't really a web based application but
the easiest way to give all users on a network full control is to use a
web front end.

It has taken me about a month to get it working as I want it (I use the
BBC plug in, I'm about to use IR passthrough to control a scaler which
won't fit on my equipment rack, and I'm going to edit remote control
maps to add in a few commands that will make life easier). The latest
excercise was adding a tag to all my albums so they are sorted by
artists' family name and not first name. It does need a bit of
tweaking, but once you get there it is awesome. My server is reasonably
heavily loaded - it is only an XP3200 and has Exchange Server, all the
Small Busines Server websites plus a couple of my own, MASSIVE users
shared folders (two kids use it and they're always downloading crap,
SQL server, IAS - I'm constantly getting warnings about processor
utilisation being too high, but it still copes with Slimserver.

I've got no experience of ITunes (other than installing it on my
nephew's PC, and he's not impressed with ITunes under windows). I'd
suggest dumping it altogether and replacing it with EAC but that might
be too big a step for you...

Have you tried just disabling the iTunes plug-in on the plug-ins page
and just setting Slimserver up to scan your music folder? It does
sub-folders by default, and if you have multiple folders all you have
to do is create shortcusts and place them in the "main" folder. I know
that isn't an ideal long term solution, but it might get you up and
running in the short term. Fire off an email to tech support, it will
take a few days but you never know they may come up with a really easy

I do understand your frustration - I tried using a 6.2.2 nightly and
music would just stop playing at random intervals, so I'm back to
released software.

This community is a friendly one, and you'll find that a lot of the
posts aren't bugs per-se but people trying to find a better way of
doing something. It is EXTREMELY powerful, I've been watching this
market for about 5 years since it was in the realm of the Home
Automation hobbyist, but it wasn't until I'd spent a couple of weeks
playing with Slimserver on my PC that I decided to buy a Squeezebox.

Stick with it, it might be frustrating but you'll get there.


timmorris's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4147
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=22627

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