bobharp Wrote: 
> How do you ir controll your diff. zones now?

It's a 4 zone Xantech system. Think about 4 of what you have, in a
single package.

bobharp Wrote: 
> As you have seen, the SB hardware and Slimserver OS is quite
> extensible.  Sit back think out of the box with your current setup. 
> There are a miriad of ways to control your SB/Slimserver network. 

Like I said before, there are multiple ways to accomplish what I want,
I'm just trying to figure out the best options to get there.

bobharp Wrote: 
> I thought that I would quickly move to a wireless handheld gui for my
> SB.

Like I said in this and my other post, I've gone the wireless handheld
route before, I'm trying to simplify. I like the SB as a controller,
and I like it as a device to stream audio two as directed by that
controller. Now if those two functionalities were in different boxes
(but the functionality between them still linked) AND I could pass my
IR signals from controller to remote streamer where it could then be
blasted at my remote receiver / amps (I still need FM) I'd be happy. 

AND.... all of the above can be done over CAT5. Wireless has it's place
and it ain't on fixed mounted devices (IMHO).

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