Hi Patrick,

I'm a long time user, I have 3 SB1s, and 2 SB3s
sprinkled throughtout my home that I love, my wife has
learned to love, and I've recently explained to our
nanny how to use (our 4 month old son loves listening
to classical music in the morning as well).  I'm a 34
year old lawyer, I live in downtown Washington DC in a
100 year old Federal Style attached row house.  We
have about 24,000 songs so we have a big collection. 
I used to own an Indie Record Store, so we've been
able to store our 2000 or so CDs.  I've always been a
huge music lover, (i still problems go to 4 concerts a
month) and owning a Squeezebox has totally changed the
way I listen to music and I love it.  

I'm currently at work , but can take a picture at home
this evening and send it to you.  

Best regards,
Nathan Beaver
Washington DC

--- Patrick Cosson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Squeezebox will be featured on a segment on HGTV's
> Tech Toy.  The producers
> are looking for "a real home-user who can show us
> how they use the product
> on TV. Someone hip and articulate who can tell us
> how Squeezebox has made
> their life better!"  And specifically, not a Slim
> Devices employee.
> They would prefer if the homeowner resided in. D.C.,
> New York or L.A.
> Alternatively, San Francisco shouldn¹t be a problem.
> If you're interested in being considered by the
> producers, please send me
> your contact info and a picture of yourself in your
> home surroundings.
> We're on a tight schedule so a prompt response from
> anyone interested would
> be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Patrick
> ---
> Patrick Cosson
> V-P, Sales & Marketing
> Slim Devices, Inc.
> 415-359-7407 cell
> 413-638-5248 efax
> "Over all, you have to love this sweet, satisfying
> machine. Its creators
> have sweated so many details, you want to hand them
> a towel. Now that CD
> players, tape decks and turntables are rapidly
> disappearing, the Squeezebox
> brings us one step closer to the era of the
> stereo-free stereo."
> New York Times | David Pogue | 9 Feb 2006
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