timjon wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a list anywhere of which features / bugfixes were implemented
> in which version of slimserver?
> I tried updating from 5.1.1 to 6.2.1, but found a couple of (for me)
> showstopping problems, regarding playlist handling and performance. I'm
> now idly considering whether I should try one of the interim releases
> (5.2, 5.3, 5.4 etc) but I can't find any information on what each of
> those releases contained. 
> Any ideas? Is it worth updating from 5.1.1 to (say) 5.4.1? (It's
> looking like v6.X is going to be unusable for me due to performance.)

I believe there were a couple of bugs in 6.2.1 that were fixed shortly
after release.

You might like to try the latest 6.2.x nightly release - this is the
stable branch and will be released as v6.2.2 at some stage in the near

Get it here:


You want the "SlimServer_6_2_x_vYYYY-MM-DD" directory.


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