Quoting JSonnabend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks for the idea.  I've done that already, but to no avail (the first
guess tags entry reads "0" after I delete all the entries and hit

that's odd, but "0" should fail to match anything. Thinking about this more, the server will probably end up with the plain filename. Unfortunately, populating the db from an outside source just isn't a supported function. I can't even think of a simple place in the code where you could short-circuit the data updates. Perhaps have a look in Datastores/DBI/DBIStore and block any of the writes to the db. You may find that there is some data missing, which could be part of the trigger for the updates.

Also, if you are running on windows, you'll have to install ActivePerl and run slimserver.pl, instead of slim.exe for your changes to take effect.
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