Hi, I'm having the same problem with a few RSS feeds.
Currently I run 6.2.2 but have tried a 6.5 nightly as well on my server
and another PC. All running the Windows version.

A few RSS feeds from a local newspaper do not work anymore with my SB3
but did work some months ago.The url:
http://volkskrant.nl/rss/laatstenieuws.rss (Latest headlines in Dutch)
I get the following message: Failed to retrieve RSS feed
Other RSS feeds do work with my SB3 and if I use the above RSS feed in
Firefox Sage it does work as expected.

The strange thing is that it used to work in the past but can't
remember at which level id broke.
It seems that SlimServer got more picky parsing URL's (?).

Can anyone verify if the above feed does work with another SB? Is this
a Slimserver bug?

Willem Oepkes

willem's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=430
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=22433

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