bklaas Wrote: 
> Yeah, I'm thinking "bartop" for the stylistic. It'd always be plugged
> in and dedicated to controlling the squeezebox (I'm thinking firefox in
> full-screen mode). With those tablets that cheap, it's going to be hard
> to resist not getting one at some point. How did you feel about screen
> clarity/resolution? Also, I'm assuming I could stick an 802.11g PCMCIA
> card in one?
> Ah, gadgets...
> #!/ben

Clarity/Resolution were fine, like a normal laptop of that generation. 
It runs at 800x600.  Yeah, it doesn't have built in wireless, so you
have to stick in a PCMCIA card.

One thing that annoys me about it is the lack of a keyboard port. 
Supposedly there is a docking station that you can hook a keyboard
into, but my friend never has that out and just uses an on-screen
keyboard.  Then again, if you are just going to use it to control
music, you don't really need a keyboard.

btw: I designed the browseamp skin I mentioned to you the other day
specifically for the Stylistic.  In fact, it's been tough to get him to
switch to slimserver because he's already gotten too comfortable
controlling his music with that.

bklaas Wrote: 
> One more important question about those stylistic pads: do they make
> noise? I'm assuming they have a fan (and a HD), but in your experience
> were they quiet?
> cheers,
> #!/ben

Yeah, I've never noticed any noise.  Then again, it's outside and we do
usually have the TV or music on.

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