Going back to the original subject of this thread regarding
capitalization, I do have a problem with SlimServer ignoring what I
so-purposefully put in the tags.

I'm trying to maintain album and track names as faithfully as possible
to how they are listed on the album itself, and this includes those
often-annoying stylistic capitalizations (or lack thereof) that various
artists go through.  Personally I find it rather silly, but the artists
didn't put it on there by chance, it was for a definite reason. 
Therefore for the sake of accuracy I have tried to preserve these
affectations in tags.

See here:
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showpost.php?p=107576&postcount=15  My
problem is that SlimServer is doing exactly what the OP wishes it to do
- it is case -insensitive- in my case, listing tracks and albums that
should be attributable to "The Smashing Pumpkins" with "smashing
pumpkins".  I wish it wouldn't!  This is not accurate.

It's not the end of the world, it just looks kind of silly and defeats
the purpose of maintaining accuracy with capitalization and the way
artists sometimes subtly change their names over the years.

So I really would rather SlimServer not force case sensitivity and
keeps things exactly as they are in the tags.  Unlike the OP, my tags
are about as accurate as I can make them yet SlimServer sometimes
ignores that.

Mark Lanctot
Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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