azinck3 Wrote: 
> Some people will no doubt prefer the mac mini.  The squeezebox is not
> for everyone.  But you're ignoring a few things:  
> Particularly curious is that you never offer any suggestions about
> functionality that you'd like to see the squeezebox have.  Nothing to
> suggest that it's "behind" except, apparently, what you consider to be
> too high a pricetag.

All well made points,   most of the granted - sure Front Row is in its
infancy - but come on guys - SlimServer is OK - but if is far from
being fun and freezes a heck lot on my SB streaming from the Internet -
sometimes the volume randomly fades in and out..   It works.. but

My point was not that the SB3 is lacking features - it does what it is
supposed to do, stream and play music - my point is that today it is
way overprized for doing just that.



Boy-oh-Boy-what a Sound
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