Bradley Wrote: 
> It is LUDICROUS to ask me to go into some editor and resave tags.  The
> tags are fine.  THE CODE IS BROKEN, not the Tags.  All I did was take a
> fully functioning 6.2.2 release and install 6.3.0.  Developers MUST fix
> it, NOT put the burden on users.
> If you folks changed the way the system handles tags, then either write
> a compatibility layer that bridges any changes in logic, or write a
> converter that fixes tags to what Slimserver needs to see.

For the avoidance of doubt, I'm nothing to do with Slim.  Thanks for
making me so pleased that I took time out to try and assist you by
directing you to the ongoing discussion about this issue (which you
seemingly didn't even bother to look three threads down for), as well
offering a work-around suggestion as to how you might want to fix it,
pending something more focused from SD.

For myself, my current theory is that its something to do with the way
that Slimserver reads the ALBUMARTIST tags in 6.3.0.  As you say, it
may be a bug or it may be a logic / conflict issue, but I haven't yet
been able to reproduce it at will.  

Or perhaps you might want to file a bug yourself if you're not happy to
follow my suggestion ? It's usually the best way to get the developers
attention, rather than sounding off on these fora.


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