623 albums with 8705 songs by 1269 artists.

Hardware: AMD AthlonXP 2800+, 512MB RAM, 120GB ATA-133 and 300GB SATA
HDs, gigabit LAN, NetBSD 2.0.2.

Dedicated media server, runs SlimServer, daapd (for iTunes), Samba (for
Windows and Audiotron) and Apache with custom PHP scripts for video and
music playback on Pinnacle ShowCenter.

I don't do any ripping on this box (got another NetBSD box set up as a
workstation for this, same CPU but 1.5GB RAM). Use cdparanoia for
extraction and lame (with options -V0 -q1 -b32 -mj) for encoding.

In a back to back test between WAV (or FLAC) and MP3, both played
through WinAmp with Creative MP3Blaster USB sound card feeding into
Arcam Black Box 50, Yamaha DSP-A592 amplifier and Eltax Symphony 6
speakers, I could just about make out a difference between MP3 and
lossless... but only just. Listened to in isolation it sounds just fine
running through an offboard DAC.

Interestingly feeding the digital output from the Squeezebox into the
Black Box 50 sounded better than using the SPDIF output on the USB
sound card. Tried with co-ax and optical connections, and both times it
sounded better. Less jitter on the Squeezebox's SPDIF out perhaps?

Squirrel's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5785
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23701

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