Under a properly conducted level-matched A/B/X test I would imagine no
audible difference between the Transporter and SB3. There is nothing in
the Transporter spec that I can see significantly improving the sound
quality for most users. Balanced analogue XLRs are nice but generally
not necessary for *most* home audio unless you really do need the
interference rejection and are running long cables. Otherwise RCA will
give you all the quality you need. The digital connectors are nice but
streaming lossless data over Wifi is all I personally use. S/PDIF, yuk.
I2S, yum. An outboard DAC might sound different but then it's really a
preference thing.

I expect to see a lot of comment from the audiophile community over the
coming weeks about how the Transporter is more 'musical', has better
'timing' and 'rhythm' and simply 'sounds like music'. Y'know, that sort
of stuff. Or they'll just say it's not much cop. It's a lovely piece of
kit but at 2 grand definitely not for me. If they can shove slightly
upgraded SB3 internals into that case and charge $600 or something then
I'm all ears. A functionally identical product line that now goes from
$299 to $1999 with a gaping void in between is frankly silly.

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