Yes, I was going to recommend Robocopy as well.

It looks a bit dense at first because it's a command-line tool working
off switches, but once you make a batch file (just write the command
with the switches and save it as <something>.bat) you never have to
mess with it again.

There are lots of examples of which switches to use once you find the

I'm using:

    robocopy k:\ m:\ /mir /xd "System Volume Information" "Recycler" 
/log:"C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Desktop\Music Backup.log" /np /tee

in my batch file.  This says "backup K:\ to M:\, mirror, ignore the
"System Volume Information" and "Recycler" directories, write a log to
"C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Desktop\Music Backup.log", don't show
progress bars, show progress in console window.

Mirror deletes files if they are deleted in the source directory so
that the backup is a perfect copy.  I ignore the System Volume
Information directory because Windows can't read it and crashes when it
tries to copy it.  I don't show progress bars because that takes

Mark Lanctot
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