sorry mike, i was content to let it go, but this post is just too

saurus;131420 Wrote: 
> This is a community forum. This is not the vendor support page. Here are
> a lot of guys that are not paid b Slim Devices. So nobody can expect to
> get support cause he paid for a Slim Device item.
> And please note also that the Slimserver is a free community project.
> If you need something within Slimserver and regard this as something
> you bought by Slim Devices you should direct this claim direct to Slim
> Devices.
> Please answer yourself the question from whom you bought the SB device.
> I'm sure the answer is not "Slimserver Community".
> First as I stated above it's not the vendor support team. But also if
> you are calling the vendor support, it's very helpful to flame around.
> Trust me, I worked years for a big linux distributon support as team
> leader and also answered complaints. There is no support without your
> own help. And if you are not willing to, also professional support
> cannot help. So all in all, such guys are sorted out as "I just want to
> express my frustration and will never end this process".
> Just to tell the reading audience: I ran Slimserver 6.3.1 on an SUSE
> Linux Enterprise Server 9, AMD K6-2 350 CPU, 384MB RAM. And I'm fine
> with the time it takes for this machine to scan a libary with about
> 10'000 files.
> Ciao, Torsten


the problem with your argument is:

1. Slim HOSTS the website the forum is, and reads the forum, and posts
to it.

2. The OP directed his comments to the people at slim specifically, but
obviously wanted others to see them, for reasons which are his own, but
not by necessity illegitimate.

3. he is totally free to post his comments, regardless of whatever they
may be, to anyone he wants...  he doesn't have to fulfill your
expectations as to what is "allowed" content and what is not.

4. just to put a FINE point on what i am saying:

no one, repeat, NO ONE would buy the hardware, if it didn't have
software to make it work.

are you with me so far???

so when someone has a complaint about SS, its a stupid cop out to say
the complaint should be ignored b/c SS itself is free.

this isn't a hard idea to grasp.  and i say anyone who can't see that
is willfully blind.

auf Wiedersehen, adieu, adois, happy trails, and cya later alligator.

Squeezebox2 w/SS 6.3.1 - Win XP Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram
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