agentsmith;132451 Wrote: 
> Ability to add and delete music and not have to rescan whole library. 
> (Like MusicIP)

I don't know why I did not mention this before, it's something that i
have been thinking about since within the first 10 minutes of owning my

The current situation, where by you have to actually move/delete files
and there folder then do a complete rescan simple to remove an entry
from the database is ridiculous by anyone’s standards. However,
while I am not directly involved in the development of slimserver, I
know enough to realize that this would take a major redesign to how
slimserver’s scanning process and database works. So I am not
holding my breath for version 7.0. In fact, correct me if I am wrong,
but I doubt we will see any kind of fully featured library management
until they end this trunk and start from scratch again, right? BYW, is
there a feature request open for this?

Going back to the singles issue again for a moment, this would be
relatively simple to implement and would be a great feature and selling
point for some people. As far as i am aware, to other device or software
that i know of implicitly supports this (I’m certain the Sono's
does not).


*SlimServer Version:* 6.5b1 - 9182 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252.
*Amp:* Cambridge Audio 640a (living room) / Demon MD30 (Bedroom).
*Speakers:* Mission 701's (living room) / Kef Cresta 1's (bedroom).
*Remote:* T-Mobile MDA Vario / Sony PSP / Cambridge Audio Explorer
*Clients:* 1 Squeezebox 3 + Softsqueeze.
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