XP Pro.
I've been running the 6.5 beta for a couple of weeks now and always
used the default skin (I am pretty sure I've not even looked at
Fishbone on 6.5, but am not completely certain).

Now seemed like a reasonble time to have a look at my favourite skin,
Fishbone (tan style). After installing 6.5b2 (via Windows exe) over my
existing installation I changed to the Fishbone interface (using the
drop down server setting menu). Surprisingly I immediately received a
mainly tan Fishbone with some black Fishbone buttons (server settings)
and the currently playing track listed with a black background (making
the text unreadable). I used the help page to set the style to tan to
see if it would clear the black fishbone remnants. This didn't change
anything - I have a sucpicion that clicking "Change style to tan" in
Firefox doesn't actually do anything (at least nothing appears to
happen). (BTW. I did click "Click here to refresh and see the new

I cleared my cache and restarted the browser but still no change.
All this was in Firefox.

I opened up IE and cleared the cache, restarted it and then browsed to
SlimServer. The black Fishbone version displayed (perhaps confirming my
suspicion that changing to tan in Firefox does nothing). I changed the
Fishbone style to tan and although it's virtually all tan now (i.e. the
server setting buttons are not the black ones as still seen in Firefox)
the background of the currently playing track is still black (making
the text unreadable).

I am intigued as to why it works better in IE than Firefox though



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2 > Benchmark Dac1 > Naim NAC 82 > Naim NAP 250 > Shahinian
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