You might try putting the Built-In Ethernet on TOP of the port priority
list, with Airport underneath.  OS X allows multihoming but I don't
know how you can tell applications to use a specific port, i.e. I don't
know if there's a way (and if so, how) to tell your web browser to use
the Airport but to tell SlimServer to use the ethernet interface.

There may be a way to do that but instead you can try letting OS X do
the multihoming for you.  Make the ethernet port the higher priority
interface.  This SHOULD make SlimServer use ethernet instead of
Airport.  However, an application trying to connect to the outside
world should default to Airport because there will be no response on
the ethernet interface for WAN-bound packets.

Be aware that this may cause an initial slowdown for your WAN-accessing
applications (e.g. web browser, email client, etc.) the first time they
make a connection, because they will have to wait for a timeout on
ethernet before trying the Airport.

Of course, I could be wrong about all of the above, but it's worth a
shot... see whether it helps.  Also, try Googling for OS X multihoming
and see what you find.

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