On 14-Sep-06, at 12:22 AM, octavian wrote:

Why don't AIFF files play on the Squeezebox or Softsqueeze? I have them
selected in server settings. This is posted on the audiophile forum but
no response.

potentially many reasons. AIFF is native, so it shouldn't be due to any trancoder. but, you should check the server settings->file types, just to make sure you haven't accidentally disabled the type. depending on the server version (which you haven't supplied) you may need to check the setting for file types to ignore while scanning (though since you are able to try to play them, it's very likely not the problem.

Also go to server settings->debugging, check d_source then open up http://<serverip>:9000/log.txt. When you try to play the track, that window will show you the steps that the server is taking in order to play the track. it may show errors there. Last step, run command line in case there are any system errors involved that are too low level to make it into a server log.


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