Nostromo;136267 Wrote: 
> I'm somewhat new to the open source scene. And I think I understand your
> point of view, up to a certain point. You put a lot of "blood and
> sweat", to improve SlimServer and we're all greatful for it. And you
> were not paid for it. 
> But try to understand our point of view. We bought the Squeezebox to
> listen to music. That's our hobby. A lot of us here can't help you
> guys. I certainly can't program, I don't have the time to learn to
> program, and I don't want to learn to program. All I can do is point
> out bugs or features I'd like. So are you asking us to shut up?

I don't think that's what he's asking. I think the statement "nobody
does anything" goes beyond just writing code. I think what's trying to
be said here is that complaints are often thrown around in the general
forum by those who won't even spend the time to formulate a well
crafted idea for a solution. Saying things like "god, the web interface
sucks" isn't constructive. And there's a lot of that which flies about.

I would, however, strongly disagree with the statement that no one ever
does anything. Examples:

Wouldn't it be great to be able to use slimserver's capability in a
responsive application on a PC? A: Softsqueeze

I'd really like a native GUI app to be written to control my
squeezebox. A: SlimRemote, Moose, TelCanto

I want to see the Minnesota Twins score update on my squeezebox
display. A: SuperDateTime

The web interface feels so 1990s, and page refreshes are for the birds.
A: Fishbone, ExBrowse, Nokia770 (had to toot my own horn somewhere)

the list goes on an on. Sure, there's 10 complainers and a 100
non-coders for every 1 that ends up writing something to extend the
squeezebox/slimserver feature set, but IMHO it's truly amazing what's
been done by a community of hackers.

For the record, don't shut up. Just be nice, offer ideas, and watch
things move forward.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"
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